Rantau Abang Turtle Hatchery
Turtle hatchery sites have been set up as a conservation effort to ensure the survival of these endangered species. MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiments were conducted in the Ran- tau Abang Turtle Hatchery and Universiti Per- tanian Malaysia in Mengabang Telipot 100 km north of Rantau Abang from 21 July12 Oct. Where To Watch Turtles Hatch In Malaysia Rantau Abang located 56 kilometres north of Kuala Terengganu is a sanctuary for the giant leatherback turtle and a popular tourist destination. Rantau abang turtle hatchery . The green turtle is usually olive-brown in colour - it is named for the colour of its fat. The green turtle is usually olive-brown in colour - it is named for the colour of its fat. This is one of the most famous tourist overnight-stop spot to watch the female turtles lay their eggs at night. Although hatchery programs were initiated since the 1960s when there were concerns on their decreasing numbers only until the early 1990s was it known that the hund...